Step by step, how do I use "Why Can't I Connect?"

How does this work, what is this trace telling me?

Menu Bar
The main menu bar


The File menu contains:


Quit the application.


The Edit menu contains:

Select All

Select all the items in the trace list.


Copy all the selected items to the clipboard.

Clear Visible Trace

Remove all the items in the trace list.


Find text in the trace list.


Set the Application Preferences.


The Common menu contains:

Microsoft SQL Server

Test a connection to a Microsoft SQL Server.

MySQL Server

Test a connection to a MySQL Server.

FTP Server

Test a connection to an FTP Server.

SFTP Server

Test a connection to an SFTP Server.

IMAP Server

Test a connection to an IMAP Server.

POP3 Server

Test a connection to a POP3 Server.

SMTP Server

Test a connection to an SMTP Server.

IRC Server

Test a connection to an IRC Server.

LDAP Server

Test a connection to an LDAP Server.

Usenet Server

Test a connection to a Usenet Server.


The Generic menu contains:


Connect a Generic Client.


Create a Generic Server.


Send a message from a generic client or server.


Shutdown a generic client or server.


Close a generic client or server. It is possible to force a shutdown to precede the close by setting the parameter in the advanced tab of the Application Preferences. A close on a server will close all connected sockets and then close the listening socket.


The Advanced menu contains:


Bind the local IP Address to a chosen or system assigned port.


Connect the bound socket to a server on a given port.


Listen for connections on the bound IP address and port.


Send a message.


Shutdown the connection.


Close a connected or listening socket. It is possible to force a shutdown to precede the close by setting the parameter in the advanced tab of the Application Preferences. A close on a listening socket will close all connected sockets and then close the listening socket.


What is bridging and how do I use it?


The Bridge menu contains:

Open Server

Open the Bridge Server.

Connect Client

Connect the Bridge Client.

Send To Client

Send from the Bridge Server to the connected client.

Send To Server

Send from the Bridge Client to the connected server.

Close Bridge

Close all the Bridge connections.


The tools menu contains:

Multiple Servers

See below.

Ports In Use

Test the computer for connected, listening, reserved, and all ports that can not bind.

Resolve Name / IP Address

Resolve a name to an IP address or an IP address to a name.


How do I use scripts?


Host names in the same neighborhood.

Check WiFi / Wired Network Login

Launch the default router login in your preferred browser. The error pattern for a possible incomplete login is detected on any connection and will query if you would like to launch the login.

Tools / Multiple Servers

The Multiple Servers menu contains:

Open Servers

Open servers across a range of ports. 1000 maximum in Unix / Linux operating systems. 10,000 maximum in Windows operating systems.

Close Servers

Close the range of servers.

Tools / Scripts

How do I use scripts?


All the possible trace messages


The trace menu contains:

Viewable Trace

See below.

Log File

See below.

Trace Detail Level

See below.

Show Trace Message Boxes

If checked, display a message box for trace errors and warnings.

Report Trace Dates And Times

Show a date and time on each individual trace message.

Trace / Viewable Trace

The Viewable Trace menu contains:


View all tracing.

Headers And Errors Only

View headers and errors, do not view the contents of sent and received messages.

Errors Only

View errors only.


Trace nothing to the view list.

Trace / Log File

The Log File Trace menu contains:


Write all tracing to the log file. This option is only available if a log file is open.

Headers And Errors Only

Write headers and errors to the log file, do not write the contents of sent and received messages. This option is only available if a log file is open.

Errors Only

Write errors only to the log file. This option is only available if a log file is open.


Write nothing to the log file.

Create / Change The Log File

Open or change the log file.

Close The Log File

Close the log file.

Trace / Trace Detail Level


The Trace Detail Level menu contains:


Show all traces. This level shows the highest amount of detail.


Show detail that is required for a typical user. This is the default.


Show socket functions only.


The Help menu contains:


Launch local help files in your preferred browser.

Knowledge Base

Launch the Knowledge Base Wiki in your preferred browser.


Show the about dialog to get version and license information.

Tool Bar

The Tool Bar contains:


Copy all the selected items to the clipboard.

Microsoft SQL Server

Test a connection to a Microsoft SQL Server.

MySQL Server

Test a connection to a MySQL Server.

FTP Server

Test a connection to an FTP Server.

SFTP Server

Test a connection to an SFTP Server.

IMAP Server

Test a connection to an IMAP Server.

POP3 Server

Test a connection to a POP3 Server.

SMTP Server

Test a connection to an SMTP Server.

IRC Server

Test a connection to an IRC Server.

LDAP Server

Test a connection to an LDAP Server.

Usenet Server

Test a connection to a Usenet Server.


Connect a Generic Client.


Create a Generic Server.


Send a message from a generic client or server.


Shutdown a generic client or server.


Close a generic client or server. It is possible to force a shutdown to precede the close by setting the parameter in the advanced tab of the Application Preferences. A close on a server will close all connected sockets and then close the listening socket.

Record A Script

How do I use scripts?

Stop Recording / Save A Script File

How do I use scripts?

Execute / Playback A Script File

How do I use scripts?

Stop The Playback Of A Script File

How do I use scripts?

Check WiFi / Wired Network Login

Launch the default router login in your preferred browser. The error pattern for a possible incomplete login is detected on any connection and will query if you would like to launch the login.