Custom Builds / Custom User Interfaces
This tool creates an easily transferable specification file for your "Why Can't I Connect?" custom user interface.
Set the connection parameters for standard servers under the Common Connections tab. Activate the servers you wish to show in your menus and / or toolbar. These connections do not need to be activated here for use in scripts.
Scripts are a powerful option for running multiple tests, copying the results to the clipboard, creating emails, etc. Describe your scripts here.
Select an icon, name your script, and add script elements. Describe your script with as little or as much detail as you are comfortable with. We will work together to get the script to match exactly to your needs.
A special instruction is a free form instruction for any other specifications for your application.
WcicCustomSpec.xml is the default specification file and your document directory is the default location. The Save button will save your specification. The Open button will open an existing specification.
Release 1.12.4
In this release:
1. Fixed a bug where the "Server Send" dialog and the "Server Shutdown" dialog where clipping the display of the connected socket handle.
2. Removed the WiFi connect option. Lacking time and hardware to support this in all operating systems for all routers, I will reintroduce this option when possible (check the README file to restore this option at it’s current state while compiling.)
3. Updated the MinGW compiler, wxWidgets, and OpenSSL versions for the Windows binary release (this and all future releases are no longer compatible with Windows XP.)
4. Added a Raspbian / armhf debian binary release.